Our small batch craft facility
Micro Cultivation is a very specific subclass of license that was created to allow Legacy Market operators or small scale craft producers to operate within the regulatory framework with slightly less requirements from Health Canada and a simpler, more defined path in the recreational market. Whether you hold a Standard Cultivation License or a Micro Cultivation license you will be considered a Licensed Producer by Health Canada.

Although the term “craft” is simply defined as the adoption of two different procedures (hang dried and hand trimmed), we believe the cultivation of craft cannabis is so much more. It requires a knowledgeable grower with years of experience and a passion and commitment to the plants. Our Micro license allows us to have a canopy of 2,150 square feet, so to keep our harvest dates as fresh as possible, we operate four 500 square foot grow rooms on a staggered rotation. Our consistency and attention to detail is what sets us apart and allows us to maximize yield.
No shortcuts and only the highest quality inputs paired with passion and love for the plant.